1Zeiss LSM800-6 vertical-2 + Airyscan confocal microscope 2019-03-15I. System description:Inverted (vertical) confocal microscope with Airyscan moduleMotorized stage for multiple position imagingObjectives: Objective Plan-Apochromat 10x / NA 0.45 Air (WD=2.1mm) Objective Plan-Apochromat 20x / NA 0.8 Air Objective W-Plan-Apochromat 40x / NA 1.0 water dipping DIC VIS-IR Objective C-Apochromat 63x / NA 1.2 W Korr Laser lines: 405, 488, 561, 640 nmDetectors: 2 PMT detectors with free choice of the spectral range. (PMT 1: tunable short pass and variousbandpass filters in front of the PMT, PMT 2: tunable long pass and various bandpass filters infront of detector) 1 GaASP PMT for the Airyscan detector that can function as a normal detector in confocal mode(detection range adjustable by a tunable short pass and a tunable long pass filter, no bandpassfilters) An ESID detector for transmitted light.Simultaneous detection of only two dyes possible, more than two have to be acquired sequentially.II. Starting up:1. Switch on the multiple socket (1). Provides power to microscope controllers2. Switch on the system(2) and Components (3)3. Switch on the computer (4)4. Login: BIF-User (Useme!11)5. Open ZEN Blue Software and press “Start System” (“Image Processing” is for offline analysis ofyour images)6. If Pop-up appears about stage calibration, press “calibrate now”