3.11 Administrator WorkflowAs an administrator you have three possible workflows:• Creating a job (routine examination)This “template” enables an operator to reliably andreproducibly analyze a sample.• Free examinationThis enables you to start inspecting a sample quickly andeasily without needing to define an overview image orcoordinate system• Running, editing, or deleting a job from the archiveThe workflows for a routine examination and a freeexamination are identical apart from where you join theworkflow (see diagram).You can turn a free examination into a routine examination atany point by clicking the Setup workflow step.For more information on running, editing, or deleting a jobfrom the archive, see the Online Help.Administrators have the following typical workflow:1 Acquire an overview image2 Define the coordinate system3 Name the sample and the job4 Find the desired area on the sample5 Optimize the microscope image6 Acquire a microscope image7 Perform measurementsIf desired, repeat steps 4-78 Check and export the results9 Save the jobThe more advanced workflow steps are described in chapter 5:• Defining the coordinate system• Naming the sample and jobs3 ACQUIRING A FIRST MICROSCOPE IMAGE26