Stereo microscope OPERATION OF THE INTEGRATED CAMERA WITH WI-FI ZEISSStemi 305 cam Commissioning the camera03/2015 435063-9044-008 17English4 OPERATION OF THE INTEGRATED CAMERA WITH WI-FIThe stereo microscope is placed on a level, stable base, installed acc. to the operating manual Stemi 305(435063-7044-010), Chapter 3 and connected to the power supply system.The basic setting of the microscope and the illuminators has been effected previously acc. to Chapter 4 ofthe operating manual Stemi 305.An Apple iPad (to be acquired separately from electronics retailers) is available and has been switchedON.The ZEISS App Labscope or Matscope have been downloaded from the Apple Appstore and installed onthe iPad.System requirements:− Apple iPad 4 or more recent− Labscope / Matscope App Version 1.1 or higher4.1 Commissioning the camera• Switch the stereo microscope ON acc. tosection 3.3 using the power switch (Fig. 5/3).After a few seconds, the blue status LED in themicroscope body (Fig. 6/1) starts flashing, whichindicates that initialization of the integrated Wi-Ficamera is is process.• Wait until the blue status LED is lit permanently.On initial commissioning, the camera is in themode "WLAN Access-Point" (factory setting), i.e.after initialization of the camera, the microscopeprovides a WLAN.To use the installed camera, an iPad must beconnected to this WLAN.• To this effect, select in the iPad settings theSSID of the Stemi 305 cam network and enterthe appropriate password.• Subsequently, the apps Labscope or Matscopecan be started which recognize the cameraautomatically. There, the live image appears asthumbnail. To continue using the Labscope /Matscope, follow the information screen of theapps.Fig. 6 Status LED in microscope body