P A G E 1 4206-3450-OO P E R AT I O N M E N U SPRGCABLE VCR AUX TVENTERFLASHBKCHANNELCHANNEL1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWINDRECORDABCPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPSURF MUTEPOWERVOLUME VOLUMEQUITCCFFWDTV/VCRSOURCECustomizeyour channelselection.Setting Add/Del/Surf1234543512Mini glossaryADD This function lets you add new channels to the list that you'll scroll through when using your remote.DELETE This function lets you remove channels that you don't watch from the list you'll scroll through.SURF The surf function creates a special list of your favorite channels. You can access this group of channels bypushing the surf button on the remote.Press the MENU key.Select the Add/Del/Surf menu(on your TV screen) using theUp/Down select arrows.Using either the number pad orthe CHANNEL UP/DOWN arrows onthe remote, select a channel.Using the RIGHT/LEFT selectarrows, pick whether thatchannel is Added, Deleted, orp;laced on the Surf list.To continue, select anotherchannel. If you are finished,press ENTER or QUIT to returnto TV viewing.The menu will disappear after fiveseconds if no buttons are pressed. Toget it back, press menu again.If you delete a channel, it isn’t gonefor good. Just select the channelagain using the number keypad onthe remote, or add it later.Once Auto Program has been activat-ed,CHANNEL UP/DOWN will only cyclethrough selected channels.