Customize your channel selection Setup MenuEZ ProgramAdd/Del/Surf I Ch 9 Added IEZ ClockCaptionsCaption/TextLanguageBBBPressMENUrepeatedtyon the remote until the Setup menuappears.Se[ect the Add/Detete/Surf option with the UP or DOWNarrow.Using either the NUMBERkeypad and ENTERor the CHAN-NELUp/Down arrowson the remote,setect a channet.(If adding a deteted charmer,you wilt need to use theNUMBERkeypad.)Usingthe RIGHTor LEFTarrow, pick whetherthat channe[is Added,Deleted, or a Surf channe!..(Surf channelsareautomaticaUy"added" channelsalso.)To continue, sel.ectanother channel,and repeat Step 4. Ifyou are finished, pressQUIT to return to TV viewing.r_fyou delete o channel, it isn't gonefor good.Just select itusingthe NUMBERkeypod on the remote, or odd it later.PressSURF,with Surf active,you can use channel up/down toscrollthe Su_ channel list. PressSURFdgain to return to normalchannel scan._new channels to the channe[ list that you'l,l,scrol.[throughwhen usingChannelUp/Down.DELETEDRemoveschannelsthat youdon't watch from the channel.Listyou'l,[scrol,l,through usingChannel.Up/Down.SURF Addsyourfavorite channelsto the Surf channelEst.PAGE 20