Turn on ClosedCaptioning or CaptionsWhen Mute, then selectyour Closed Captions orText optionSetup MenuF2.ProgramAdd/De,Surf_ClockCaption/TextLanguageSetup MenuProgramAOO/Del/SurfEZ ClockCaptionsCapUonFfext 'LanguageiCaption/Textis a feature which arrowsyour EntertainmentMachine toreceive variousdosed caption and text options providedby broadcasters.Avai|abiU_ and fuctlonaUtv of Caption/Textis determinedonly by thebroadcasterand may not be avaltable.DDBmBPressMENUon the remote control,repeatedly until the Setup menuappears.Usethe UP or DOWNarrow on the remotecentre[to setectCaptions.Usethe RIGHTor LEFTarrowto chooseany of the fol.towingoptions:On, Off, or EZMute (CaptionsWhen Muted).Usethe UP or DOWNarrowon the remote controlto selectCaption/Texton your screen.Usethe RIGHTor LEFTarrow to chooseone of the followingoptions: Caption3., Caption2, Caption3, Caption4, Text 1, Text 2,Text 3, or Text4.PressQUIT to return to 13/viewing.Captionscamein handywhenthe televisionison mute.Standardclosedcaptioningis availableusingthe CaptionI option.Not all programminghasclosedcaptioningor text available;eventhoughCaptions1, 2, 3, 4, and Text1, 2, 3, 4 are availableto broadcasters.CAPTIONSTheterm for the wordsthat scrol.[acrossthe bottom of the 13/screen; usual.tythe audio portionof the programprovidedforthe hearingimpaired.T_r Theterm for the wordsthat appearin a targe b(ack frame andalmost coverthe entire screen; usuallymessagesprovided bythebroadcaster.PAGE 22 2o_