o ¸PRODUCT REGISTRATION CARDYou cuuld _in a full refund on your ne_ Zenith product.Look for the Product Registration Card on your new videoproduct..Each month a drawing is held by Zenith from the com-pleted Product Registration Cards received during thepreceding month. Zenith will reimburse the winner for thefull purchase price of the product purchased.In order to participate, simply complete and return theProduct Registration Card at once. even if you choose notto complete tile information and interests portion of thequestiormairc.The odds of winning the free drawing described above,depend on the number of participants. Free drawingoffer is void in Canada and other places whererestricted or prohibited by law. Offer is void forHotel/Motel and Institutional models. Rental modclsare rLot eli,.zible.Product Card lost or mi:_placed':The Product Registratio a Card furnished with your viS,',,product is pro-printed wkh its Model and Serial number>.Please fill out the card, a:ad mail it at your cariicst con-venience. It is imperative that Zenith know how to reachyou promptly if we discover a safct.v problem that would at-fect you. If the orimnal card has been lost or misplaced, y_tlmay use the replacement card provided below. Either card\_411quafify you for the free drawing, but you arc limited t_.only o_c entry in the drzLwing. Complete the card. place it inan enYelope and mail it Lo:Zenith Ele,:tronics CorporationP. O. Box 173257Denver, CO 80217-3257Use the replacement Product Registration Card only if theoriginal[ card has been raisplaced or lost.PHOTOCOPY AND CUT ALONG DASHED LINEZenith Product Registration Card H5Z01-01O Pleose Print Clearly or Type O Areo Code Telephone,. O,_. =.O,,,. ,.O,,. ,.t-I _,,, LI_!_I 1 I!/-I ! 1 ! IFirst Name Initial Last NameI I t ! ! ! I ! I ] II II ! I ! .I,I ] ! I_1 I I 1 I ! !Street Apt. No.llllllIl!IIlllllJlllLJl!llllCityI 1 I ! t I I I I ! I I [ I ! 1 ® 0,=,oo__,,_cho=oStole Zip Code Mo. Day Yr.11111111!-III!1 LJ_II I II ! ICopy Numbers HereFrom L(_bel on SetPleose recorci the model numberond seriol number from the stickeron the b{_ck of your set."."_'_ ':\R i)2