801621 - B, BA, BHA, BAHA, - HydroTap User Guide - August 2014 - V1.09 Page 17 of 20Dispense TimesThe ability to change the maximumdispensing time for both the Hot andAmbient water has been introduced.The default settings for the maximumdispensing times is 15 seconds. Here,the operator may change both theHot and Ambient dispensing timesto between 5 and 15 seconds, inincrements of 1 second. To edit thedispensing times:1. Press the [MENU] button for mainmenu.2. Press the [Setting] button.3. Press the [Dispense Time] button.4. Select the option to change andscroll using the up and down arrowKeysThe Zip HydroTap notifies when filter replacement is due. If you notice one ofthe following, you will need to change the filter:• The Change Filter light will flash white once a second and remain so untilreset. A filter status light is located below the Chilled Blue Lights on the taphead assembly.• The filter percentage will change to 0% on the screen.Note: Depending on local water quality conditions and usage, the filtermay require changing anywhere from 1000 Ltrs to 10000 Ltrs. You may alsoneed to replace the filter if you noticeunpleasant odours or tastes.Some water may drip from the filterhead (socket) during replacement.Keep a towel handy to dry up anydrips.Water FilterHot Isolation• To activate, press button to disable safety lock feature. Then pressbutton to enable hot isolation.• To de-activate, press button to disable hot isolation. Then press buttonto enable / disable the safety feature• To operate the tap when in Hot Isolation mode, tap the Safety Lock (3)three times rapidly, the LED’s will scroll from right to left (3) three times.This operation confirms de-activation and will remain de-activated for 30seconds. The Hot Isolation can be immediately set again, by tapping thesafety lock (3) times rapidly or after 30 seconds of no use the unit willrevert to hot isolation active mode.LCD Screen operation - Section GCBCB