13ApplicationInfilling the spray liquidSwitch off the device. Pull out thespray tank on its handle. Hold thecover of the tank in hand and un-screw the tank. Now fill it with dis-tilled water and anti-germ liquid,e.g. AquaHy (art. no. 8555).Do not exceed the maximumlevel when filling the tank.Now turn the tank cover back on thetank. While screwing back the coveron the tank, make sure that isclosed correct. Otherwise there willno pressure be build up. Put thetank back in the housing. Switch onthe power switch in the rear of theunit.Attention: Never use tapwater (danger of calcifica-tion). Also, do not use explo-sive or combustible liquids,e.g. alcohol. Note: Never refillthe tank directly over the unitto avoid in case you acci-dently spill water, this willflow into the unit.The water filter (art. no. 3479)has to be fully under water,otherwise no water will besucked in.Please only use distilled watertogether with disinfectantAquahy. Other admixturescould be unsuitable and causedamages at your device. Par-ticularly alcohol-based sprayfluids often attack hoses andmake them porous.