9Before UsePlease read through the instructionscarefully before using the unit andcarefully note the safety advice.Always keep this manual accessibleto any users of the drill.Area of applicationThis device should only be used bypeople who have completed a footcare qualification. Before use theoperator should familiarize with thedevice by reading this manual orbeing instructed by another.The device must only be used inclosed spaces. It may be used inhospitals, in a commercial environ-ment or in homes. The device is notintended for use in operating rooms.The control unit can be set up in acabinet, or can be used as a porta-ble unit (e.g. in a carry case). It issuitable for the following scopes:• Foot care: Milling, trimming andpolishing. Attention: The spraymust be in operation during footcare.• Manicure: Grinding, milling andpolishing works.The devise is determined ofoperating rotating instruments,which will not penetrate theskin or murcous membrane ifused appropriate, but couldevoke damages accidently.Caution: In the area of pedicureyou have to work with spraytechniques.OperationThe working area must conform tothe conditions described. Set up theunit in such a way, that the air slitsare not blocked and the extractedair can escape well. To guaranteeunhindered air flow there must agap of at least 12 cm to the right ofthe device. Position the device sothat the operating buttons are easyto reach and the outlet of the hoseis a maximum distance of 60 cmfrom the patient's foot. The unitshould be 30 – 90 cm from the floor.Image: Example of positioning of foot care unitin treatment room.Image: Bird's eye view of work area