ToolONMENU24 W100%18 W100%12 W100%6 W100%0 W100%10 seconds/divV1.2WORK450 ºC350 ºC250 ºC150 ºC50 ºC80%JBC210350ºCJBC#1ToolONMENUJBC#124 W100%18 W100%12 W100%6 W100%0 W100%10 seconds/divV1.2WORK450 ºC350 ºC250 ºC150 ºC50 ºC80%JBC210350ºCToolONMENU24 W18 W12 W6 W0 W10 seconds/divV1.2CHARGE450 ºC350 ºC250 ºC150 ºC50 ºCJBC21080%350ºCJBC#1348ºC6 WOperationThe JBC Most Efficient Soldering SystemThis revolutionary technology is capable of recovering tip temperature extremely quickly. It allowsthe user to work at a lower temperature.Work Charging and HibernationWhen the tool is lifted from thestand the tip will heat up to theselected temperature.When the tool is in the standenters into Hibernation Modeand cools down to roomtemperature.While the tool remains in thestand, it charges.HibernationWhen the tool is outside of thestand and remains inactive (nomovement), the tool entersHibernation mode and coolsdown to room temperature.To turn the tool on, put it backinto the stand.Note: When the tool is lifted from the stand the Soldering System acts as follows:If the tool has been inactivefor a longer period of time, it isturned off.long timeinactiveTurned Off Turned OnNote: If desired, the tool can be switched off/on. Tab the ToolPower switch on the tablet screen (bottom right) to switch it off/on.Tool Power Switch6