26Port2T24517:143. HibernationOperationThe JBC Exclusive Heating SystemOur revolutionary technology is able to recover tip temperature extremely quickly. It means the usercan work at a lower temperature and improve the quality of soldering. The tip temperature is furtherreduced thanks to the Sleep and Hibernation modes which increase the tip life by 5.1. Work 2. SleepWhen the tool is lifted from thestand the tip will heat up to theselected temperature.When the tool is in the stand,the temperature falls to thepreset Sleep temperature.After longer periods ofinactivity, the power is cut offand the tool cools down toroom temperature.Tools Menu:· Set Sleep temperature· Set Sleep delay(from 0 to 9 min or no Sleep)· Set Hibernation delay(from 0 to 60 min or nohibernation)Tools Menu: Tools Menu:Long time inthe stand· Set temperature limits· Select temperature levels350 ºCPort2Power45%T24517:14Selected 350ºCSleepTool in the standActual Temp. 180ºCDelay to hibernation: 29:30 Port2T24517:14HibernationActual Temp. 25ºC