Nilan reserves the right to alter these instructions without prior notice Page 10 af 26Heating surfaceThe unit can be equipped with a heating surface.It is possible to retrofit a heating surface. The surface must be activated in the CTS 602 control inorder to function together with the unit and for the frost-protection to be active.When installing a heating surface T7 is the temperature sensor in the inlet.Use of the CTS600 panel:- press ESC to go one step back in the menu- press qpto move up or down in a menu or to adjust anactivated menu- press ENTER to activate a menu- press ENTER to confirm a menu- press OFF to turn off the unit- press ON to turn the unit onHEATINGSURFACESERVICE ENTERENTERAIREXCHANGEDEFROSTINLETCONTROLTEMP.CONTROLMANUELOFFRESETOFFROOMKONTROLAIRQUALITYShould be chosenwhen installing aheating surface forwater.Controlled via 0 -10V signalShould be chosenwhen installing anelectrical heatingsurface, controlledvia 0-10 V signalDelay betweenstart of ventilatorsand heatingsurface (0 – 60minutes)”OFF”DELAY2 MINENTERSELECTWATERSUPSELECT0–10 VVALGSELECT”PERIOD””0–10 V”VALG”0/5/10 V”SELECT”WATERSUP”SELECTSELECT”EL SUP”The setting ”OFF”is chosen forsystems withoutheating elementPWR SAVEMODBUSADR 30OFFDATALOGINTV 10RESTARTOFFFigure 7: The “Central heating” menu