May be subject to change page 13 of 27User selectThe menu CUSTOM OPTIONS overrides the operating mode of the main menu by activating anexternal switch.”VENTILAT”: There is a possibility here to run with a higher or lower speed on the air exhaust andair inlet for a limited amount of time. The external pressure will activate the function. The functionhas high priority.”exhaust” and ”inlet”: These two options increase or reduce the velocity of the exhaust or inlet airrespectively for a limited period of time. The remaining functions of the operating mode remainunaltered. An external switch activates the timer function.Another external switch ensures that the fans remain at the desired ventilation level until the switchis turned off.”extend”: This option controls the velocity of the exhaust and inlet air and can be used to changethe temperature of the inlet air for a limited period of time. An external switch activates the timerfunction.“OFF”: Deactivates the external switch.”ext offs”: Provides the possibility of choosing an afterflow time and changing the set point in exter-nal rooms.Use of the CTS602 panel:- press ESC to go one step back in the menu- press qpto move up or down in a menu or to adjust anactivated menu- press ENTER to activate a menu- press ENTER to confirm a menu- press OFF to turn off the unit- press ON to turn the unit onTime and speed mustbe set in the sameway as describedunder SELECTEXTEND.Required period inwhich the selectedfunction is to remainoperative: stated inhours and minutes.Max 8 hours.Switches user optionoff.Required ventilationstep: 1-4.OFF allows the systemto be shut down via anexternal switch.TIMEFLOWENTER ENTERTEMPTIME00:00FLOW>4<TEMP23ENTERENTERENTER”00:00"”OFF”ENTERENTERENTER°C”>4<””23" °CSELECTSELECTSELECTSELECT”EXTEND””INLET””EXHAUST”SELECT”EXTEND”USERSELECTRequired room temperature(5-30°C).T15 is the temperature sensor tobe used to control the system.”EXT OFFS”ENTERSELECT Choose theafterrunning anddisplacement ofthe setpunkt, forexternak heating.See SELECTEXTEND”VENTILAT”ENTERSELECTPossibility to run ata higher or lowerrate. High priority.Figure 8: The ”User select" menu