3.2.1 Download Sensus StoreData can be downloaded from the Sensus store to a PC only while the Nomadand PC are connected directly via an RS 232 cable link landline interface, a GSMmodem link, or a high power radio link with landline power.Data cannot be downloaded while the Online Pro ApplicationSoftware is operating in real-time mode, (or connected via a low powerradio link).1. With PC and Sensus connected as described above, start Online Pro.2. Use the Download... (Clone... on early software) option on theWeatherStations menu.The Download Weather Station dialog is displayed.3. Highlight the name of the Nomad station to be downloaded and pressthe Download (Clone) button.(When the Nomad is connected via a GSM modem or high power radiolink, Online Pro will call the relevant system automatically.)4. Specify a filename for the downloaded data and choose a directory inwhich to save it.5. Press the Save button.The data from the Nomad system is downloaded to your PC andconverted into a log file format for further use by Online Pro.3.2.2 Download to a CompactFlash CardWhen visiting the Nomad, data can be downloaded from the Sensus store to aCompactFlash card merely by plugging an empty3 card into the slot in the righthand panel of the Sensus Data Logger. Wait until the activity on the Sensusdisplay finishes then remove the card.3.2.3 Download CompactFlash CardsCompactFlash cards can be removed from the Sensus unit for downloading sothat the stored data can be downloaded to your PC in two ways.If the PC has a PCMCIA socket, a flash card adaptor can be pluggedinto the socket. Alternatively a stand-alone FlashCard Reader can be pluggedinto one of the PC communication ports.Once connected, both of these devices will log on to your PC as anadditional drive which can be accessed using WindowsTM Explorer.Data downloaded from cards must be converted for use with OnlinePro Application Software.3.3 Read Data from the Sensus DisplayWhen visiting the measuring station, the display keys on the Sensus DataLogger can be used to show data (and other information) on the display.1. Press key 1 (see Figure 1).The first screen of the Sensus menu system will be displayed. This isshown at the top left of the menu structure diagram in Figure 6.Note 3: A CompactFlash card which has already stored or download data, cannot function witha measuring station that has a different configuration from the last used station.Therefore, either clear the card before starting operations with a different station, orselect only a card that has previously been used with the same station.Operation via Direct LinkPage 16 of 68NOMAD Portable Weather StationUsers Handbook