If installing on Windows 95, first run the program TapiUpdate.exeplaced in the installation folder. This updates the version of TAPI on the PC tothe version required by Online Pro. When installing on Windows 98, Windows NTor later systems, this update is not required and SHOULD NOT be performed.Online Pro is supplied on three 31/2“ floppy disks. (This does notinclude disks supplied to configure any specific measuring stations.)5.2.1 Installation1. Start Windows.2. Insert Online Pro Disk 1 into the floppy disk drive.3. Click the Start button on the task bar, then click the Run... option.4. Type a:\setup, where “a” identifies the floppy disk drive, then pressEnter.5. Wait for the Casella welcome screen to be displayed, then follow theon-screen instructions.Once installation is complete, you will find the Online Pro icon onyour Windows desktop.5.2.2 Un-Installation1. Click the Start button on the task bar.2. Select the Settings... option and click on the Control Panel option.3. Double click on Add/Remove Programs icon.4. In the list of installed software, select Online Pro and click theAdd/Remove button.5. Follow the on-screen instructions.5.2.3 Starting Online Pro for the First TimeStart Online Pro by double clicking on its desktop icon, by entering its name inthe Run menu obtained via the Start button Run option, or using the Start -Programs... option.When this is the first time you open the newly installed software, themeasuring station and software will not be configured to match each other andthe following message will be displayed.“Your Online Pro configuration files need to be installed.You should only need to do this when you first run Online Pro.“Please insert your first configuration disk, click on OK, thenselect the drive containing the configuration disk and click on OK.”When both software and measuring system have been suppliedtogether, a configuration disk (or disks) will also have been suppliedthat include configuration files to match the particular sensors in yourmeasuring system and their method of telemetry, as described here.However, if Online Pro was supplied on its own (perhaps to be usedwith an existing measurement system) the configuration disk supplied containsOnline Pro SoftwareCASELLA CEL licence this software for single-site use.For the convenience of the user, the software maybe copied for back-up purposes, and installedsimultaneously on one desk-top computer (the site)and one portable computer. SFT-4Page 23 of 68NOMAD Portable Weather StationUsers Handbook