8Power OptionsThe nomad unit contains a sophisticated power management system. Thisconvenient and unique system allows you to power nomad in a variety ofways, provides for battery only operation, has battery backup capability, andextends the life of batteries used to power the device. The four options are:1. Use two (2) “AA” batteries (install in bottom of nomad unit)2. Use the supplied Power Adapter and Power Cable3. Use both 1 and 2 above (battery backed up AC power)4. Use the supplied Power Cable only (connect to laptop, etc.)When you plug in the Power Cable and have the batteries installed, thesystem will only draw power from the Power Cable unless the power isinterrupted. At that time the nomad power automatically switches to thebatteries providing true battery back up. The audio from the nomad unit willnot pop or click during the switchover. If the batteries become too weak tooperate the device at the current volume level, the volume level isautomatically and gradually reduced. This extends the useful life of thebatteries, and eliminates jarring sounds from being produced when thebatteries die under all but the most extreme cases. In general, nomad willautomatically and quietly shutoff when the batteries are exhausted (BatteryShutdown) and the Battery Level will not be displayed (see Table below).Note: User Settings will not be saved during a Battery Shutdown.Battery BackupThe nomad power management system uses the AA batteries if there is anAC power failure. When used for this purpose battery life is up to four years;however, ASTI recommends you change the batteries every year or two tominimize the possibility of battery leakage damaging your nomad unit.Note: When you operate the nomad unit from batteries only, perhapsbecause an AC outlet is not available, the batteries are supplying power tothe nomad system and will last for a time determined by many factorsincluding mode of operation, volume settings you use, and battery quality.Battery Level CodesThe SoundStory lights indicate the battery status for approximately 3 secondswhen nomad is turned Off (only if nomad has been On 10 seconds or longer).OCEAN RAIN WATERFALL MEADOW BROOK NOISES BATTERYSTATUSON ON ON ON ON ON New BatteryON ON ON ON ON OFF 2.4 – 2.9 vON ON ON ON OFF OFF 1.9 – 2.4 vON ON ON OFF OFF OFF 1.4 – 1.9 vON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF Almost DeadOFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF No Battery