PRO-TEST OPERATORS HANDBOOK PAGE 6 OF 10ISSUE 4AUGUST 1998RS-232-C SERIAL DATA OUTPUT INTERFACEOutput of both measured value and units of measurement (as shown on the display) are in a familiarserial data format for communication with computers, printers, etc.Data is output on the RS-232-C interface automatically when the memory auto-reset mode timeroperates, when the 'MEMORY RESET' button is pressed, or by pressing the PRINT’ button when intrack mode. Output can be requested externally when the 'request to send’ pin is taken HIGH.RS-232-C INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS :- ____________________________________________Data rate fixed at 1200 baud.Control Word Options - Parity = odd, even or off.- data bits = 7 or 8.- stop bits = 1 or 2.All Options are menu selectable (see page 4) and are initially factory set to 8 data bits, 2 stop bits,and no parityTransmitted data voltage levels +9 volts to -9 volts.RS-232-C OUTPUT PIN CONNECTIONS :- _____________________________________________PIN No FUNCTION1 Arm LED for print inhibit option.2 Received data (from P.C)3 Transmitted data (from Pro-Test)4 Mode switch for print inhibit option.5 Signal ground 0V.6 Arm switch for print inhibit option.7 Request to send to Pro-Test (Low to High transition)8 + 5 volts (from Pro-Test) WARNING: Not for powering external devices.9 Calibration Mode Enable input (Active Low)RS-232-C DATA OUTPUT EXAMPLES :- _______________________________________________Code : DP=Decimal Point. CR=Carriage Return. SP=SPace.1. Using the Pro-Test 400 set to the standard data string. Reading 368.4 N m (clockwise).3 6 8 DP 4 SP N DP m CR2. Using the Pro-Test 400 set to the standard data string. Reading 45.2 N m (anti-clockwise).- 4 5 DP 2 SP N DP m CR3. Using the Pro-Test 1500ER set to the standard data string. Reading 1108 lbf ft (clockwise).1 1 0 8 SP l b f DP f t CR