20 | Nord ElEctro 5 UsEr MaNUal os v1.XI aPPENdIX: coNNEctIoNsPEDALCONTROL PEDALROTOR MIDI MONITOR RIGHT LEFTOUT HEADPHONESPEDALSUSTAIN INMIDIINOUT OUTUSB1234Da20LagaUdIo coNNEctIoNsGeneral guide on audio connections: Before you turn on your amplifier,make all audio connections. always turn on your amplifier last, andwhen shutting down, always turn off your amplifier or active speakersfirst.HEadPHoNEs¼ inch stereo headphone jack.lEFt aNd rIGHt oUtUnbalanced line level outputs for amplifier or recording equipment. theNord Electro 5 is a stereo instrument with separate signal paths for leftand right audio channels.M Using your Nord Electro 5 at a high volume can damage yourhearing.MoNItor IN1/8 inch jack for connecting devices such as smartphones, tablets orcomputers to the Nord Electro 5, allowing you to play and rehearse topre-recorded music. this input is routed to the Headphones output.MIdI coNNEctIoNsMIdI INthe MIdI In connection is used for receiveing MIdI data sent from exter-nal devices such as controller keyboards or computers.MIdI oUtthe MIdI out connection will send MIdI data to devices such as exter-nal sound modules or computers.UsB coNNEctIoNthe UsB port is used for connecting your Nord Electro 5 to a computer.the connection can be used for transferring MIdI, for os updates andfor connecting to applications such as the Nord sound Manager andNord sample Editor. these applications, and the latest os version canalways be found for download at www.nordkeyboards.com.M MIDI over USB and the standard MIDI connectors are always bothactive at the same time. There is no need to select one of the twooptions in a menu or similar.PEdal coNNEctIoNssUstaIN PEdal¼ inch connector for all common types of sustain pedals. sustain pedalpolarity can be set in the systems menu, see “system” on page 16.rotor PEdal¼ inch connector for a switch type pedal, sustain pedal or the optionalhalf moon switch. rotary speed will change when either the pedal ispressed or the half moon switch is operated. depending on whichpedal or control you are using, the appropriate rotary control type androtary Pedal Mode can be selected in the system menu.coNtrol PEdal¼ inch connector for an expression pedal of the continuous type, usedfor controlling volume and/or effects. Most of the common expressionpedal makes and models are supported, and can be selected in thesystem menu.