We replace parts due to optical aspects upon your request (at your expense).Before returning the equipment ensure that (if applicable):☞ Equipment has been cleaned and/or decontaminated.☞ All ports have been sealed.☞ Equipment has been properly packed, if necessary, please order an original pack-aging (costs will be charged), marked as appropriate and the carrier has been noti-fied.☞ Ensure that the completed health and safety declaration is enclosed.We hope for your understanding for these measures, which are beyond our control.Scrapping and waste disposal:Dispose of the equipment and any components removed from it safely in accordancewith all local and national safety and environmental requirements. Particular care mustbe taken with components which have been contaminated with dangerous substancesfrom the process. Do not incinerate fluoroelastomer seals and “O“-rings.☞ You may authorize us to dispose of the equipment at your expense..If the measures listed in section ”Troubleshooting” do not work: Return the equipment tothe factory for inspection and repair.Opening or disassembly of the equipment voids all warranties and the licence if neces-sary.Safety and health of our staff, laws and regulations regarding the handling of danger-ous goods, occupational health and safety regulations and regulations regarding safedisposal of waste require that for all pumps and other products the “Health and safetyclearance form“ must be send to our office duly completed and signed before anyequipment is dispatched to our premises.Fax or post a completed copy of the health and safety clearance form to us in advance.The declaration must arrive before the equipment. Enclose a second completed copywith the product. If the equipment is contaminated you must notify the carrier.No repair / DKD calibration is possible unless the correctly completed form isreturned. Inevitably, there will be a delay in processing the equipment if informa-tion is missing or if this procedure is not obeyed. Eventually, acceptance of thereturned equipment will be refused.If the product has come in contact with chemicals, radioactive substances or othersubstances dangerous to health or environment, the product must be decontaminatedprior to sending it back to the factory.To expedite repair and to reduce costs, please enclose a detailed description of theproblem and the products´ operation conditions with every product returned for repair.We submit quotations only on request and always at the customer´s expense. If anorder is given, the costs incurred are offset from the costs for repair or from the pur-chase price, if the customer prefers to buy a new product instead of repairing thedefective one.☞☞☞☞☞ If you do not wish a repair on the basis of our quotation, the equipment mightbe returned to you disassembled and at your charge!12.12.2002Notes on return to the factoryRepair - return - DKD calibration