page 16 of 68Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefullythe validity of this document with respect to his product. manual-no.: 999290 / 12/12/2016Attention: Never use the antistatic connection at the housing of the device toconnect the device to ground, use only the green or green and yellow connectionwire of the motor. Use the antistatic connection at the housing only to perform anantistatic connection of other non-electronic devices and components, e. g. inletand outlet vacuum hoses or something similar. Never lead away short-circuit cur-rents using this connection. External electric devices have to be connected at thepotential equalization point of the environment separately and independent of thisdevice.☞ Equipment must be connected only to a suitable fused and protected electricalsupply and a suitable earth point by suitable trained personnel. Failure to connectthe motor to ground may result in deadly electrical shock.☞ Check that mains voltage and current conform with the equipment (see ratingplate).☞ Obey notes regarding the motor in section ”Instructions manual: Motorwith integrated speed control”, see below.The motor and the motor circuit board are protected by a thermal protection withautomatic reset.Attention: The pump might restart on its own after sufficient cooling. Take appropri-ate precautions, if an automatic restart of the pump may lead to a dangerous situa-tion.☞ Avoid reliable high heat supply (e. g. due to hot process gases). Maximum per-mitted gas and ambient temperature se ”Technical data”.☞ Make sure ventilation is adequate especially if pump is installed in a housing or ifambient temperature is elevated, install an external automatic ventilation systemif necessary.☞ Ensure that in case of pumps with two motors both motors are switched on atthe same time, if not possible switch on the motor of the pump at the outlet first.Ambient conditionsTo the best of our knowledge the equipment is in compliance with the requirementsof the applicable EC-directives and harmonized standards (see ”Declaration of con-formity”) with regard to design, type and model, especially directive EN 61010-1.This directive gives in detail conditions, under which the equipment can be operatedsafely (see also IP degree of protection).Adopt suitable measures in case of differences, e. g. using the equipment outdoors,installation in altitudes of more than 1000 m above mean sea level, conductive pol-lution or dewiness.Pay attention to the permissible maximum ambient and gas inlet temperatures(see ”Technical data”).Operating conditionsThe pumps have a conformity according to their specification to be installed inareas and to pump out of areas which contain under normal operation conditionsoccasionally a potential explosive atmosphere as a mixture of air with inflammablegases or vapours (category 2). Class of ignition and temperature see ”Technicaldata”.