Axis 4BA300T manuals
Table of contents
- user manual
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- General description
- Technical data
- Safety principles
- Scale external outputs
- Connecting a computer, printer or label printer
- Detailed LonG protocol description
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Detailed EPL protocol description
- Balance preparation to work
- Operation principles
- Balance test
- Start-up
- Weighing with tare
- Scale menu
- Menu navigation rules
- Scale setup (SEtUP)
- Scale calibration (CALIb)
- Autozeroing function (AutoZEr)
- Weight unit selection (UnIt)
- Serial port parameters setting (SErIAL)
- Printout configuration (PrInt)
- Setting backlight function (b_LIGHt)
- Analog out configuration (AnALoG)
- Entering reference zero value (ZErO)
- Special functions description
- Products and users database (Prod i USEr)
- Pieces counting function (PCS)
- Percentage weighing function (PErC)
- Label choosing function (LAbEL)
- Weighing animals function (LOC)
- Constant tare memory function (tArE)
- Maximum value indication function (UP)
- Force measuring function (nEWton)
- Total weight function (totAL)
- Checkweighing function (thr)
- Setting date and time function (dAtE)
- Radio communication channel choice function (rF CHn)
- Charging accumulators function (bAttErY)- option
- Automatic switching off the scale function (AutoOFF)
- Statistical calculations function (StAt)
- Paperweight calculation (PAP)
- Maintenance and repairs of small defects
- Declaration of Conformity
- Appendix A
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