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Axis 4BA600T manuals

4BA600T first page preview


Brand: Axis | Category: Scales
Table of contents
  1. user manual
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. General description
  5. Technical data
  6. Safety principles
  7. Scale external outputs
  8. Connecting a computer, printer or label printer
  9. Detailed LonG protocol description
  10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Detailed EPL protocol description
  12. Balance preparation to work
  13. Operation principles
  14. Balance test
  15. Start-up
  16. Weighing with tare
  17. Scale menu
  18. Menu navigation rules
  19. Scale setup (SEtUP)
  20. Scale calibration (CALIb)
  21. Autozeroing function (AutoZEr)
  22. Weight unit selection (UnIt)
  23. Serial port parameters setting (SErIAL)
  24. Printout configuration (PrInt)
  25. Setting backlight function (b_LIGHt)
  26. Analog out configuration (AnALoG)
  27. Entering reference zero value (ZErO)
  28. Special functions description
  29. Products and users database (Prod i USEr)
  30. Pieces counting function (PCS)
  31. Percentage weighing function (PErC)
  32. Label choosing function (LAbEL)
  33. Weighing animals function (LOC)
  34. Constant tare memory function (tArE)
  35. Maximum value indication function (UP)
  36. Force measuring function (nEWton)
  37. Total weight function (totAL)
  38. Checkweighing function (thr)
  39. Setting date and time function (dAtE)
  40. Radio communication channel choice function (rF CHn)
  41. Charging accumulators function (bAttErY)- option
  42. Automatic switching off the scale function (AutoOFF)
  43. Statistical calculations function (StAt)
  44. Paperweight calculation (PAP)
  45. Maintenance and repairs of small defects
  46. Declaration of Conformity
  47. Appendix A
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