IBM xSeries 300 manuals
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- about this manual
- Chapter 1. Installing and Configuring the NAS and Its Modem
- Unpacking the Nways Switch Administration Station and Its Display
- Installing the NAS in a 37U Rack
- NAS Installation into a 37U Rack (Standard)
- NAS Installation into a 37U Rack (Earthquake Feature)
- installing the nas display in a 37u rack
- Connecting the NAS to the Display and Keyboard in the 37U Rack
- Installing the NAS in a 29U Rack
- NAS Installation into a 29U Rack (Standard)
- NAS Installation into a 29U Rack (Earthquake Feature)
- Installing the Display on Top of the 29U Rack
- Connecting the NAS in the 29U Rack
- Installing and Connecting the External Modem
- Installing and Connecting the 7857 Modem
- Telecommunication Cables Part Numbers
- Installation Procedure
- setting the 7857 modem
- Installing and Connecting the Hayes Modem
- Installing and Connecting the 7858 Modem
- Saving the Configuration of the 7858
- Chapter 2. START - Finding a Service Procedure
- Problem Determination Procedures
- Chapter 3. Nways Switch Administration Station Diagnostics
- Power-On Self-Test (POST)
- How to Test the Link Between the NAS and the Network Support Center
- From the Network Support Center Console
- How to Test the Different Links
- Modem Exchange Procedure
- modem exchange procedure
- nways switch administration station fru exchange
- nas removal from the 37u rack (standard)
- nas removal from the 29u rack (standard)
- fru exchange
- nas installation in the 37u rack with earthquake feature
- nas installation in the 29u rack with earthquake feature
- after fru exchange
- map 0500: after board or battery exchange on nas based on
- map 0510: after ethernet adapter exchange on nas based on
- map 0520: after hard disk drive exchange on nas based on
- map 0530: after other frus exchange on nas based on
- ending the exchange procedure
- chapter 6. display exchange
- display removal in 37u rack
- display removal on top of 29u rack
- display install on top of 29u rack
- display exchange (earthquake feature)
- display install
- nways administration station configuration reference for 6563 model 65u
- related publications
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- about this manual
- online support
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Chapter 1. General checkout
- Chapter 2. General information
- Features and specifications
- What the IBM xSeries 300 offers
- Reliability, availability, and serviceability features
- Server controls and indicators
- Rear view
- Turning on the server
- Standby mode
- Chapter 3. Diagnostics
- Small computer system interface messages (some models)
- Text messages
- Starting the diagnostic programs
- Viewing the test log
- Power checkout
- Recovering BIOS code
- Clearing CMOS
- Temperature checkout
- Troubleshooting the Ethernet controller
- Ethernet controller messages
- NDIS 4.0 (Windows NT) driver messages
- Ethernet teaming messages
- Chapter 4. Configuring the server
- Starting the utility programs
- Using the PXE boot agent utility program
- Using the ServerGuide CDs
- ServerGuide startup problems
- Chapter 5. Installing Options
- Major components of the xSeries 300 server
- Working inside the server with the power on
- Removing the cover
- System board
- System board internal cable connectors
- System board jumpers
- Adapter considerations
- Hard disk drives
- Working with DIMMs
- Replacing the fan assembly
- Removing a microprocessor
- Installing a microprocessor
- installing the cover
- working with cables
- Chapter 6. FRU information (service only)
- Diskette/CD-ROM drive bracket
- Power supply - AC
- Single input instructions
- Dual input instructions
- PCI riser card
- Chapter 7. Symptom-to-FRU index
- error symptoms
- post error codes
- Undetermined problems
- Chapter 8. Parts listing
- Keyboards
- Power cords
- Chapter 9. Related service information
- Electrical safety
- Safety inspection guide
- Handling electrostatic discharge-sensitive devices
- Grounding requirements
- Send us your comments
- Problem determination tips
- Trademarks
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Kapitel 1. Översikt över programmen
- Programmen på CD-skivan Software Selections
- Övriga programskivor
- Kapitel 2. Komma igång
- Använda Access IBM
- Registrera datorn
- Stänga av datorn
- Kapitel 3. Installera program från CD-skivan Software Selections
- Installera program från CD-skivan Software Selections
- Kapitel 4. Felsöknings- och hjälpprogram
- ConfigSafe
- Funktionen ConfigSafe Save Our System (SOS)
- Programmet Product Recovery
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
- Skapa en diskett med IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
- Kapitel 5. Återställa operativsystem och förinstallerade program
- Installera andra operativsystem
- Återställa drivrutiner
- Bilaga A. Visa licensavtalet
- Bilaga B. Anmärkningar och varumärken
- Behandling av datumangivelser
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Hoofdstuk 1. Overzicht van de software
- Software op de CD Software Selecteren
- Overige software-CD's
- Hoofdstuk 2. Om te beginnen
- Access IBM gebruiken
- Uw IBM-computer registreren
- Documentatie bekijken
- Hoofdstuk 3. Software installeren vanaf de CD Software Selecteren
- De CD Software Selecteren starten
- Hoofdstuk 4. Diagnoseprogramma's en ondersteunende software
- ConfigSafe
- ConfigSafe-voorziening SOS (Save Our System)
- Herstelprogramma
- Een hersteldiskette maken
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics uitvoeren vanuit het Herstelprogramma
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics uitvoeren vanaf de diskette
- Hoofdstuk 5. Het besturingssysteem en de vooraf geïnstalleerde software herstellen
- Een ander besturingssysteem installeren
- Stuurprogramma's herstellen
- Bijlage A. Bekijken van de licentie-overeenkomst
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Luku 1. Tietoja ohjelmistosta
- Software Selections -CD-tietolevyn sisältämät ohjelmat
- Muut CD-tietolevyt
- Luku 2. Käytön aloitus
- Access IBM -ohjelman käyttö
- Tietokoneen rekisteröinti
- Tietokoneen käytön lopetus
- Luku 3. Ohjelmien asennus Software Selections -CD-tietolevystä
- Software Selections -CD-tietolevyn käytön aloitus
- Luku 4. Vianmääritys- ja tukiohjelmat
- ConfigSafe-ohjelma
- ConfigSafe-ohjelman uudelleenasennus
- Elvytysohjelma
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics -ohjelma
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics -levykkeen luonti
- Luku 5. Käyttöjärjestelmän ja esiasennettujen ohjelmien elvytys
- Muiden käyttöjärjestelmien asennus
- Laiteajurien elvytys
- Liite A. Lisenssisopimuksen tarkastelu
- Liite B. Huomioon otettavaa ja tavaramerkkitietoja
- Päivämäärätietojen käsittely
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Kapittel 1. Oversikt over programvaren
- Programvare på CDen IBM Programvarevalg
- Andre programvare-CDer
- Kapittel 2. Komme i gang
- Bruke Access IBM
- Registrere maskinen
- Slå av maskinen
- Kapittel 3. Installere programvare fra CDen Programvarevalg
- Starte CDen Programvarevalg
- Kapittel 4. Feilsøkingsprogrammer og hjelpeprogrammer
- ConfigSafe
- Installere ConfigSafe på nytt
- Programmet Produktgjenoppretting
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
- Kjøre IBM Enhanced Diagnostics fra programmet Produktgjenoppretting
- Kjøre IBM Enhanced Diagnostics fra en diskett
- Kapittel 5. Gjenopprette operativsystemet og forhåndsinstallert programvare
- Installere andre operativsystemer
- Gjenopprette styreprogrammer
- Tillegg A. Lese lisensbetingelsene
- Tillegg B. Merknader og varemerker
- behandle datodata
xSeries 300
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Kapitel 1. Oversigt over programmer
- Programmer på Software Selections-cd'en
- Andre program-cd'er
- Kapitel 2. Kom godt i gang
- Brug af Access IBM
- Registrering af IBM-computeren
- Få vist dokumentation
- Kapitel 3. Installation af programmer fra Software Selections-cd'en
- Start af Software Selections-cd'en
- Kapitel 4. Fejlfindings- og hjælpeprogrammer
- ConfigSafe
- SOS-facilitet (Save Our System) i ConfigSafe
- Produktretableringsprogram
- IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
- Opret en IBM Enhanced Diagnostics-diskette
- Kapitel 5. Retablering af styresystemet og de forudinstallerede programmer
- Installation af andre styresystemer
- Retablering af styreprogrammer
- Tillæg A. Fremvisning af licensaftale
- Tillæg B. Bemærkninger og varemærker
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