11Scenes & RulesEditing ScenesScenes can be edited to change a device’saction, remove a device’s action, or rename theScene.To edit a Scene, use the following steps.Changing a Device’s Action1. From the Home Screen press the HOMESERVICES button.2. From the Manage Z-Wave Devices Screen, pressthe SCENES button.3. A list of programmed Scenes will be displayed.Press the name of the Scene to edit.4. Press the desired device’s button to select it.5. Change the confi guration for the device andpress OK, then press BACK.6. Test the Scene by pressing the RUN button. AScene execution confi rmation screen will bedisplayed, press OK.Removing a Device’s Action1. From the Home Screen press the HOMESERVICES button.2. From the Manage Z-Wave Devices Screen, pressthe SCENES button.3. A list of programmed Scenes will be displayed.Press the name of the Scene to edit.4. Press the desired device’s button to select it.5. Press DELETE ACTION. A confirmation screenwill be displayed, press DELETE ACTION toconfi rm, or CANCEL to quit without deleting.Renaming a Scene1. From the Home Screen press the HOMESERVICES button.2. From the Manage Z-Wave Devices Screen, pressthe SCENES button.3. A list of programmed Scenes will be displayed.Press the name of the Scene to rename.4. Press RENAME. Use the alphanumeric keypaddisplayed to rename the Scene.5. Press OK to confi rm the name change orCANCEL to quit.Scenes Screen with RUN ButtonPress scene buttonDelete Actions ScreenPress DELETEACTION buttonScene Action ScreenPress action to editScene Action ScreenPress RENAMEbutton