4Network SetupAdding DevicesBefore a device will work in the home controlnetwork, it must be added (also called included)into the network.To add one or more switch or thermostatdevices into the network, use the followingsteps:1. Install the Z-Wave Device as directed by thedevice’s instructions. If it is a lamp or appliancemodule, connect the lamp or load to the moduleand be sure the power switch on the lamp orload is ON.2. From the Toolbox Screen, press the ADDDEVICES button. The Control Panel will display“Discovering devices” and wait for a signal froma device.3. Press and quickly release the program buttonon the device. (This button may also be called“bind”, “learn”, or may not be labeled.)4. When the device is discovered, the display willshow its kind, type, manufacturer, and networknode information assigned to the device.5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for any additional devicesthat need to be added to the network at thistime.6. Press BACK when finished.If additional Z-Wave compatible devices arepurchased, and your home control networkexpands, these steps can be used at any timeto add additional devices.Devices can only be included once in thenetwork. The system will not allow a device tobe added multiple times to the same network.Add Z-Wave Devices ScreenPressing the Device’s Programming ButtonPRESS Z-WAVEDEVICE BUTTONAdded Devices ShownNew deviceshows onscreen