144 CHAPTER 10: ADVANCED M ODEM CONFIGURATION WITH CLI/AT COMMANDSObtaining ModemCall InformationAT commands allow you to obtain and view both configuration andstatistical information for a specific modem port. This section lists the ATcommands used to obtain call information, and modem characteristics,for both current and previous calls on any specific modem port.n Modem Query Commandsn Displaying Link Diagnostics of Current or Previous Callsn Understanding Link Diagnostic Resultsn Understanding Disconnect MessagesModem QueryCommandsTable 38 lists each command available.Table 38 Modem Query CommandsATI8, ATI0, ATI2, and ATI18 are reserved.Display CommandProduct name ATI3Current modem settings ATI4Settings stored in the modem's NVRAM.If your modemconnects to a modem that has Link Security and localaccess enabled, you cannot view the stored phonenumbersATI5Link diagnostics of the current or previous call, includingcharacters transferred, data blocks retransmitted undererror control, disconnect reasons, line source, and otherinformationATI6Product configuration. Displays code date, revision, theslot and channel number of the modem, and otherinformation used by 3Com Technical Support to diagnoseproblemsATI7Advanced Link Diagnostics ATI11ISDN information ATI12