158 CHAPTER 11: CONFIGURING THE RAS 1500 ROUTERIdle TimeoutIf you want to make sure that a console login user is using the linkconstructively — and not leaving the system vulnerable to a securitybreach — set an idle timeout using the following command:set command idle_timeout <0-60 minutes>Example:set command idle_timeout 5Login RequiredYou can force a console user to login after the idle timeout interval haselapsed. Use the following command:set command login_required [yes | no]Global PromptIf you want to specify a separate prompt for a command file process, usethe prompt parameter. The global prompt value is useful if you arerunning a number of processes and want to differentiate between theglobal and session prompts. Or, if you are Telnetting to the system, forinstance, and want to create a separate, easily identifiable prompt. If yourprompt consists of more than one word, remember to enclose it inquotes. Use the following command:set command prompt Example:set command prompt “TELNET Session”Setting the SystemThe set system command designates a name and location for yoursystem, contact information and a keyword necessary to make a PPPconnection to a remote router over the WAN. Use this command:set systemname [name]location [location]contact [contact information]transmit_authentication_name [keyword]Example:set sys na “white house” loc DC cont “staff, ext 555” tran“FOB”