16 M ANAGING S YSTEM LOGSThis section provides information for managing system logs. The systemlogs enable viewing device events in real time, and recording the eventsfor later usage. System Logs record and manage events and report errorsand informational messages. Event messages have a unique format,according to the Syslog protocols recommended message format for allerror reporting. For example, Syslog and local device reporting messagesare assigned a severity code, and include a message mnemonic, whichidentifies the source application generating the message. It allowsmessages to be filtered based on their urgency or relevancy. Eachmessage severity determines the set of event logging devices that aresent messages per each event.The following table lists the log severity levels:This section includes the following topics:■ Viewing Logs■ Configuring LoggingSystem Log Severity LevelsSeverity Level MessageEmergency 0 (Highest) The system is not functioning.Alert 1 The system needs immediate attention.Critical 2 The system is in a critical state.Error 3 A system error has occurred.Warning 4 A system warning has occurred.Notice 5 The system is functioning properly, but a systemnotice has occurred.Informational 6 Provides device information.Debug 7 Provides detailed information about the log. If aDebug error occurs, contact Customer Tech Support.