1-175 3 1 0 2000-04-02 20:55:12.2For detailed output description, see the corresponding command manual.DHCP TestNetwork requirementsBoth the remote-ping client and the DHCP server are 4200G Ethernet switches. Perform a remote-pingDHCP test between the two switches to test the time required for the remote-ping client to obtain an IPaddress from the DHCP server.Network diagramFigure 1-3 Network diagram for the DHCP testConfiguration procedurez Configure DHCP Server(Switch B):Configure DHCP server on Switch B. For specific configuration of DHCP server, refer to the DHCP partof the manual.z Configure remote-ping Client (Switch A):# Enable the remote-ping client. system-view[Sysname] remote-ping-agent enable# Create a remote-ping test group, setting the administrator name to administrator and test tag toDHCP.[Sysname] Remote-ping administrator dhcp# Configure the test type as dhcp.[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] test-type dhcp# Configure the source interface, which must be a VLAN interface. Make sure the DHCP server resideson the network connected to this interface.[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] source-interface Vlan-interface 1# Configure to make 10 probes per test.[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] count 10# Set the probe timeout time to 5 seconds.[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] timeout 5# Start the test.[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] test-enable# Display test results[Sysname-remote-ping-administrator-dhcp] display remote-ping results administrator dhcp