8 ABOUT T HIS GUIDERelatedDocumentationThe following manuals offer additional information necessary for managing yourSwitch 7700:■ Switch 7700 Command Reference Guide — Provides detailed descriptions ofcommand line interface (CLI) commands, that you require to manage yourSwitch 7700.■ Switch 7700 Configuration Guide— Describes how to configure your Switch7700 using the supported protocols and CLI commands.■ Switch 7700 Release Notes — Contains the latest information about yourproduct. If information in this guide differs from information in the releasenotes, use the information in the Release Notes.These documents are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable DocumentFormat (PDF) on the CD-ROM that accompanies your router or on the 3ComWorld Wide Web site:http://www.3com.com/Words in italics Italics are used to:Emphasize a point.Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in thetext.Identify menu names, menu commands, and softwarebutton names.Examples:From the Help menu, select Contents.Click OK.Words in bold Boldface type is used to highlight command names. Forexample, “Use the display user-interface commandto...”Table 2 Text ConventionsConvention Description