56■ Name — Identifies the tunnel. Clicking the name of aconnection displays the Edit VPN Connection screen. See“Adding and Editing VPN Connections” below.■ Description — A text description that enables you to identifya connection. This field in the table additionally displayswhether the connection is currently active.■ Type — Indicates the type of connection.■ Enabled — This check box allows you to enable or disable aconnection without deleting it and thus losing the connectiondetails. Check this box to enable a connection. Clear this boxto disable the connection. If the connection is active it will bedisconnected.Additionally there are three buttons outside the table:■ Help — displays the online help page for this screen.■ Refresh — updates the contents of the window allowing youto see the current status of connections.■ New — creates a new VPN connection. See “Adding andEditing VPN Connections” below.Adding and Editing VPN ConnectionsThis screen allows you to add new IPSec, L2TP over IPSec andPPTP connections and to edit existing ones. When adding oramending values on this screen remember that both sides of anIPSec, L2TP over IPSec or PPTP connection must contain the sameinformation.An IPSec, L2TP over IPSec or PPTP connection cannot thereforebe activated until both ends of the tunnel have been configured.■ Connection Name/User Name — the ID of the remotegateway (the value entered in This Gateway’s ID on theremote gateway or the remote user’s login name). This can bea name (containing numbers and letters but no punctuation)or an IP address but cannot be a domain name.If the Connection Name is set using numeric IP addresses thenthe Gateway to Gateway connection will use main mode.Otherwise it will use aggressive mode.■ Description — a description of the connection. This can bedifferent on each Gateway as it is not used in the connection.■ Connection Type — choose either Gateway to Gateway (onlyavailable with IPSec) to connect to another Gateway orRemote User Access to create a connection for a remotecomputer.If the remote site has another gateway with an established IPSec,L2TP over IPSec or PPTP connection then there is no need tocreate a connection for a remote user on that site.If you configure an IPSec connection for a remote computer thenthat computer will require software that supports IPSec. If youconfigure an L2TP over IPSec or PPTP connection for a remotecomputer then you should contact Microsoft for information onwhether an upgrade is required.■ Tunnel Type — Choose either IPSec (either Remote UserAccess or Gateway to Gateway), L2TP over IPSec or PPTP.dua08 569-5aaa02.bo o k Pag e 56 Thursday , No vem ber 7 , 2002 3:09 PM