10 C HAPTER 1: B EFORE YOU B EGINYour system is now ready to install Transcend.Table 5 Installation ChecklistTranscend has been installed and is ready to be prepared for operation.Table 6 Post-installation ChecklistTranscend has been installed and prepared for operation. To begin, seeIntroducing Transcend Networking for details.WorkstationRequirementsThis section describes system requirements needed to run Transcend.HardwareRequirementsThis section describes the workstation hardware requirements. Intel (or 100% compatible) 200 MHz Pentium or faster microprocessor 64MB RAM minimum (128 MB recommended) 1 GB minimum hard disk space available on a single drive (drive doesnot need to be the primary drive) FAT16 or NTFS file system support Paging file space should equal three times the RAMTo check paging file space, click Start, Settings, Control Panel,Performance, Virtual Memory. Ensure that the Maximum Size of thepaging file is equal to three times the RAM.Check Task For detailed information seeRun installation of Transcend WorkGroup Manager6.2 for Windows.“Installing Transcend Applications”on page 14.Check Task For detailed information seeLoad the MIBs into OpenView if you didn’t loadthe MIBs during installation.“Installing 3Com Enterprise MIBs”on page 29.Determine whether any 3Com patches have beenreleased for Transcend WorkGroup Manager 6.2for Windows NT.“Additional Patches” on page 31.Register Transcend. “Product Registration” onpage 31.