4 REMOVING AND REINSTALLINGAPPLICATIONSThis chapter describes the process of removing any Transcend WorkGroupManager 6.2 for Windows application safely by running uninstall. Itcontains the following sections: Stopping the System Using Uninstall Reinstalling ApplicationsCAUTION: Never try to remove Transcend simply deleting the softwarebecause your network management platform will be left in an unusablestate. If all related software is not selected, the uninstall programautomatically selects applications that have dependencies.Stopping theSystemMake certain that neither the network management platform nor anyTranscend application is being run locally or remotely from yourworkstation prior to stopping or deinstalling any Transcend application.Using Uninstall The Uninstall program, as shown in Figure 15, allows you to uninstall theentire set of Transcend applications or just applications that you select.The Uninstall program provides wizard panels that guide you through theapplication removal process. Click the Next button to continue throughthe uninstall process. You can step back to previous windows andexplanations by clicking the Back button. You can also Exit Uninstall atany time by clicking the Cancel button.Shut down all applications on your Windows workstation beforebeginning Uninstall.