wnloaded from Projector.co31• The LAMP indicator is also red when the lamp unit reaches high temperature.Before replacing the lamp, switch power OFF, wait approximately 20 minutes, and switch powerON again. If the LAMP indicator is still red, replace the lamp.NOTEReplacing the lampAll projector lamps will wear out eventually. If used for long periods of time, the image could becomedarkened, and the color contrast could be impacted as well. We recommend that you replace your lampsearly. If the LAMP indicator turns red, or a message prompts you to replace the lamp when you power upthe projector, the lamp needs to be replaced. (See "Related Messages" ( ) and "Regarding theIndicator Lamps" ( ) for details.)1 witch the projector OFF,remove the power cord fromthe power outlet, and wait atleast 45 minutes for the unitto cool.5 Loosen the three screws, andgently remove the lamp whileholding the grips. Touchingthe inside of the lamp casemay result in uneven coloring.6 Install the new lamp andtighten the three screwsfirmly. Also steadily push theopposite side of the screwedlamp into the unit.7 Replace the lamp cover inposition and tighten the twoscrews firmly.2 Prepare a new lamp.3 Check that the projector hascooled sufficiently, and gentlyturn it upside down.4 Loosen the two screws asshown in the diagram, andremove the lamp cover.ATTENTION • Make sure that the screws are screwed in firmly. Loose screws could result in damage or injury.• Do not use with lamp cover removed.• Do not reset the lamp timer without replacing the lamp. Reset the lamp timer always when replacingthe lamp. The message functions will not operate properly if the lamp timer is not reset correctly.• When the lamp has been replaced after the message of "CHANGE THE LAMP ...THE POWERWILL TURN OFF AFTER 0 hr." is displayed, or the LAMP indicator is red, complete the followingoperation within 10 minutes of switching power ON.8 Gently turn the projector right-side up.