IEC09000668-1-en.vsdIEC09000668 V1 ENFigure 4. Select before operation withconfirmation of commandIEC09000669-2-en.vsdCancelOkIEC09000669 V2 ENFigure 5. Overriding of synchrocheckBay control QCBAYThe Bay control QCBAY function is usedtogether with Local remote and local remotecontrol functions is used to handle theselection of the operator place per bay.QCBAY also provides blocking functions thatcan be distributed to different apparatuseswithin the bay.Local remote LOCREM /Localremote control LOCREMCTRLThe signals from the local HMI or from anexternal local/remote switch are applied viathe function blocks LOCREM andLOCREMCTRL to the Bay control (QCBAY)function block. A parameter in function blockLOCREM is set to choose if the switch signalsare coming from the local HMI or from anexternal hardware switch connected viabinary inputs.InterlockingThe interlocking functionality blocks thepossibility to operate high-voltage switchingdevices, for instance when a disconnector isunder load, in order to prevent materialdamage and/or accidental human injury.Each control IED has interlocking functionsfor different switchyard arrangements, eachhandling the interlocking of one bay. Theinterlocking functionality in each IED is notdependent on any central function. For thestation-wide interlocking, the IEDscommunicate via the station bus or by usinghard wired binary inputs/outputs.The interlocking conditions depend on thecircuit configuration and status of the systemat any given time.Logic rotating switch for functionselection and LHMI presentationSLGGIOThe logic rotating switch for functionselection and LHMI presentation function(SLGGIO) (or the selector switch functionblock) is used to get a selector switchfunctionality similar to the one provided by ahardware selector switch. Hardware selectorswitches are used extensively by utilities, inorder to have different functions operating onpre-set values. Hardware switches arehowever sources for maintenance issues,lower system reliability and an extendedpurchase portfolio. The logic selectorswitches eliminate all these problems.Selector mini switch VSGGIOThe Selector mini switch VSGGIO functionblock is a multipurpose function used for avariety of applications, as a general purposeswitch.VSGGIO can be controlled from the menu orfrom a symbol on the single line diagram(SLD) on the local HMI.Bay control REC650 1MRK 511 249-BEN -Product version: 1.1 Issued: February 2011ABB 19