The function is characterized by greatflexibility and is not dependent on theoperation of protection functions. It canrecord disturbances not detected byprotection functions.The disturbance recorder information for thelast 100 disturbances are saved in the IEDand the local HMI is used to view the list ofrecordings.Measured value expander blockMVEXPThe current and voltage measurementsfunctions (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU andVNMMXU), current and voltage sequencemeasurement functions (CMSQI and VMSQI)and IEC 61850 generic communication I/Ofunctions (MVGGIO) are provided withmeasurement supervision functionality. Allmeasured values can be supervised with foursettable limits: low-low limit, low limit, highlimit and high-high limit. The measure valueexpander block has been introduced toenable translating the integer output signalfrom the measuring functions to 5 binarysignals: below low-low limit, below low limit,normal, above high-high limit or above highlimit. The output signals can be used asconditions in the configurable logic or foralarming purpose.Station battery supervisionSPVNZBATThe station battery supervision functionSPVNZBAT is used for monitoring batteryterminal voltage.SPVNZBAT activates the start and alarmoutputs when the battery terminal voltageexceeds the set upper limit or drops belowthe set lower limit. A time delay for theovervoltage and undervoltage alarms can beset according to definite time characteristics.In the definite time (DT) mode, SPVNZBAToperates after a predefined operate time andresets when the battery undervoltage orovervoltage condition disappears.Insulation gas monitoring functionSSIMGInsulation gas monitoring function (SSIMG) isused for monitoring the circuit breakercondition. Binary information based on thegas pressure in the circuit breaker is used asinput signals to the function. In addition, thefunction generates alarms based on receivedinformation.Insulation liquid monitoringfunction SSIMLInsulation liquid monitoring function (SSIML)is used for monitoring the circuit breakercondition. Binary information based on theoil level in the circuit breaker is used as inputsignals to the function. In addition, thefunction generates alarms based on receivedinformation.Circuit breaker monitoring SSCBRThe circuit breaker condition monitoringfunction SSCBR is used to monitor differentparameters of the circuit breaker. Thebreaker requires maintenance when thenumber of operations has reached apredefined value. The energy is calculatedfrom the measured input currents as a sum ofIyt values. Alarms are generated when thecalculated values exceed the thresholdsettings.The function contains a blockingfunctionality. It is possible to block thefunction outputs, if desired.11. MeteringPulse counter logic PCGGIOPulse counter (PCGGIO) function countsexternally generated binary pulses, forinstance pulses coming from an externalenergy meter, for calculation of energyconsumption values. The pulses are capturedby the BIO (binary input/output) moduleand then read by the PCGGIO function. ABay control REC650 1MRK 511 249-BEN -Product version: 1.1 Issued: February 201128 ABB