transformer and the IED in order to avoidunwanted operations that otherwise mightoccur.The fuse failure supervision function basicallyhas three different algorithms, negativesequence and zero sequence basedalgorithms and an additional delta voltageand delta current algorithm.The negative sequence detection algorithm isrecommended for IEDs used in isolated orhigh-impedance earthed networks. It is basedon the negative-sequence measuringquantities, a high value of voltage 3U2without the presence of the negative-sequence current 3I2.The zero sequence detection algorithm isrecommended for IEDs used in directly orlow impedance earthed networks. It is basedon the zero sequence measuring quantities, ahigh value of voltage 3U0 without thepresence of the residual current 3I0.A criterion based on delta current and deltavoltage measurements can be added to thefuse failure supervision function in order todetect a three phase fuse failure, which inpractice is more associated with voltagetransformer switching during stationoperations.For better adaptation to system requirements,an operation mode setting has beenintroduced which makes it possible to selectthe operating conditions for negativesequence and zero sequence based function.The selection of different operation modesmakes it possible to choose differentinteraction possibilities between the negativesequence and zero sequence based algorithm.Breaker close/trip circuitmonitoring TCSSCBRThe trip circuit supervision function TCSSCBRis designed to supervise the control circuit ofthe circuit breaker. The invalidity of a controlcircuit is detected by using a dedicatedoutput contact that contains the supervisionfunctionality.The function operates after a predefinedoperating time and resets when the faultdisappears.9. LogicTripping logic SMPPTRCA function block for protection tripping isprovided for each circuit breaker involved inthe tripping of the fault. It provides the pulseprolongation to ensure a trip pulse ofsufficient length, as well as all functionalitynecessary for correct co-operation withautoreclosing functions.The trip function block includes functionalityfor breaker lock-out.Trip matrix logic TMAGGIOTrip matrix logic TMAGGIO function is usedto route trip signals and other logical outputsignals to different output contacts on the IED.TMAGGIO output signals and the physicaloutputs allows the user to adapt the signalsto the physical tripping outputs according tothe specific application needs.Configurable logic blocksA number of logic blocks and timers areavailable for the user to adapt theconfiguration to the specific application needs.• OR function block.• INVERTER function blocks that inverts theinput signal.• PULSETIMER function block can be used,for example, for pulse extensions orlimiting of operation of outputs.• GATE function block is used for whetheror not a signal should be able to pass fromthe input to the output.• XOR function block.Bay control REC650 1MRK 511 249-BEN -Product version: 1.1 Issued: February 201124 ABB