1. Application GUID-6EFE28BF-7974-4A94-A7C2-AB43D48E1151 v3REL650 is used for the protection, control and monitoring ofoverhead lines and cables in solidly or impedance earthednetworks. It is suitable for the protection of heavily loadedlines and multi-terminal lines where the requirement for fastone- and/or three-phase tripping is wanted. Backupprotection and apparatus control for 1 circuit breaker isincluded.The full scheme distance protection provides protection ofpower lines with high sensitivity and low requirement onremote end communication. The 6 zones have fullyindependent measuring and setting ranges which gives highflexibility for all types of lines. Load encroachment andadaptive reach compensation are included.The multi-shot autoreclose includes priority features fordouble-breaker arrangements. It cooperates with thesynchrocheck function with high-speed or delayed reclosing.Breaker failure, high set instantaneous phase and earthovercurrent, four step directional or non-directional delayedphase and earth overcurrent and two step under voltageprotection are included and configured as back-upprotection.The impedance protection and the directional overcurrentprotection can communicate with a remote end in anyteleprotection communication scheme. The advanced logiccapability, where the user logic is prepared with a graphicaltool, allows special applications.Disturbance recording and fault locator are available to allowindependent post-fault analysis after primary disturbances.Two pre-configured packages have been defined for thefollowing applications:• Single breaker, 1/3 phase tripping (A11)• Single breaker, 1/3 phase tripping, isolated or highimpedance earthed systems (A12)The packages are configured and ready for direct use. Analogand control circuits have been predefined and other signalsneed to be applied as required for each application. The pre-configured IEDs can be changed and adapted to suit specificapplications with the application configuration tool.The IED can be used in applications with theIEC 61850-9-2LE process bus with up to four Merging Units(MU). Each MU has eight analogue channels, four current andfour voltages. Conventional input transformer module andMerging Unit channels can be mixed freely in your application.Forcing of binary inputs and outputs is a convenient way totest wiring in substations as well as testing configuration logicin the IEDs. Basically it means that all binary inputs andoutputs on the IED I/O modules (BOM, BIM and IOM) can beforced to arbitrary values.Central Account Management is an authenticationinfrastructure that offers a secure solution for enforcingaccess control to IEDs and other systems within a substation.This incorporates management of user accounts, roles andcertificates and the distribution of such, a procedurecompletely transparent to the user.The Flexible Product Naming allows the customer to use anIED-vendor independent IEC 61850 model of the IED. Thiscustomer model will be used as the IEC 61850 data model,but all other aspects of the IED will remain unchanged (e.g.,names on the local HMI and names in the tools). This offerssignificant flexibility to adapt the IED to the customers'system and standard solution.Description of A11 GUID-2EB27F7D-E79F-4F10-A707-C098B2944D65 v1Six zone distance protection with quadrilateral and mhocharacteristic, for single and three-pole tripping.1MRK 506 384-BEN ALine distance protection REL650 2.2Product version: 2.2.1 Issued: October 2017Revision: AABB 3