Breaker close/trip circuit monitoringTCSSCBRThe trip circuit monitoring function TCSSCBR isdesigned for supervision of control circuits. Afault in a control circuit is detected by using adedicated output contact that contains themonitoring functionality.The function picks up and trips when TCSSCBRdetects a trip circuit failure. The trip timecharacteristic for the function is of definite time(DT) type. The function trips after a predefinedoperating time and resets when the faultdisappears.8. ControlSynchrocheck, energizing check, andsynchronizing SESRSYN (25)The Synchronizing function allows closing ofasynchronous networks at the correct momentincluding the breaker closing time, whichimproves the network stability.Synchrocheck, energizing check, andsynchronizing (SESRSYN, 25) function checksthat the voltages on both sides of the circuitbreaker are in synchronism, or with at leastone side dead to ensure that closing can bedone safely.SESRSYN (25) function includes a built-involtage selection scheme for double busarrangements.Manual closing as well as automatic reclosingcan be checked by the function and can havedifferent settings.For systems which are running asynchronous asynchronizing function is provided. The mainpurpose of the synchronizing function is toprovide controlled closing of circuit breakerswhen two asynchronous systems are going tobe connected. It is used for slip frequenciesthat are larger than those for synchronismcheck and lower than a set maximum level forthe synchronizing function.Autorecloser SMBRREC (79)The autorecloser (SMBRREC, 79) functionprovides high-speed and/or delayed auto-reclosing for single breaker applications.Up to five reclosing attempts can be includedby parameter setting.The autoreclosing function can be configuredto co-operate with a synchronism checkfunction.Autorecloser STBRREC (79)The autoreclosing function provides high-speedand/or delayed auto-reclosing for singlebreaker applications.Up to five reclosing attempts can be includedby parameter setting. The first attempt can besingle- and/or three phase for single-phase ormulti-phase faults respectively.Multiple autoreclosing functions are providedfor multi-breaker arrangements. A prioritycircuit allows one circuit breaker to close firstand the second will only close if the faultproved to be transient.The autoreclosing function can be configuredto co-operate with a synchrocheck function.Bay control QCBAYThe Bay control QCBAY function is usedtogether with Local remote and local remotecontrol functions to handle the selection of theoperator place per bay. QCBAY also providesblocking functions that can be distributed todifferent apparatuses within the bay.Local remote LOCREM /Local remotecontrol LOCREMCTRLThe signals from the local HMI or from anexternal local/remote switch are applied via theBreaker protection REQ650 ANSI 1MRK 505 269-BUS -Product version: 1.1 Issued: April 2011ABB 21