function blocks LOCREM and LOCREMCTRL tothe Bay control (QCBAY) function block. Aparameter in function block LOCREM is set tochoose if the switch signals are coming fromthe local HMI or from an external hardwareswitch connected via binary inputs.Logic rotating switch for functionselection and LHMI presentationSLGGIOThe logic rotating switch for function selectionand LHMI presentation function (SLGGIO) (orthe selector switch function block) is used toget a selector switch functionality similar to theone provided by a hardware selector switch.Hardware selector switches are usedextensively by utilities, in order to havedifferent functions operating on pre-set values.Hardware switches are however sources formaintenance issues, lower system reliabilityand an extended purchase portfolio. The logicselector switches eliminate all these problems.Selector mini switch VSGGIOThe Selector mini switch VSGGIO functionblock is a multipurpose function used for avariety of applications, as a general purposeswitch.VSGGIO can be controlled from the menu orfrom a symbol on the single line diagram (SLD)on the local HMI.IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIOThe IEC 61850 generic communication I/Ofunctions (DPGGIO) function block is used tosend double indications to other systems orequipment in the substation. It is especiallyused in the interlocking and reservation station-wide logics.Single point generic control 8 signalsSPC8GGIOThe Single point generic control 8 signals(SPC8GGIO) function block is a collection of 8single point commands, designed to bring incommands from REMOTE (SCADA) to thoseparts of the logic configuration that do notneed extensive command receivingfunctionality (for example, SCSWI). In this way,simple commands can be sent directly to theIED outputs, without confirmation.Confirmation (status) of the result of thecommands is supposed to be achieved by othermeans, such as binary inputs and SPGGIOfunction blocks. The commands can be pulsedor steady.AutomationBits AUTOBITSThe Automation bits function (AUTOBITS) isused to configure the DNP3 protocol commandhandling.9. LogicTripping logic SMPPTRC (94)A function block for protection tripping isprovided for each circuit breaker involved inthe tripping of the fault. It provides pulseprolongation to ensure a trip pulse of sufficientlength, as well as all functionality necessary forcorrect co-operation with autoreclosingfunctions.The trip function block includes functionalityfor breaker lock-out.Tripping logic SPTPTRC (94)A function block for protection tripping isprovided for each circuit breaker involved inthe tripping of the fault. It provides the pulseprolongation to ensure a trip pulse of sufficientlength, as well as all functionality necessary forcorrect cooperation with autoreclosing andcommunication logic functions.The trip function block includes functionalityfor evolving faults and breaker lock-out.Breaker protection REQ650 ANSI 1MRK 505 269-BUS -Product version: 1.1 Issued: April 201122 ABB