Table 5. Local HMI functionsIEC 61850 or functionnameANSI DescriptionLHMICTRL Local HMI signalsLANGUAGE Local human machine languageSCREEN Local HMI Local human machine screen behaviorFNKEYTY1–FNKEYTY5FNKEYMD1–FNKEYMD5Parameter setting function for HMI in PCM600LEDGEN General LED indication part for LHMIOPENCLOSE_LED LHMI LEDs for open and close keysGRP1_LED1–GRP1_LED15GRP2_LED1–GRP2_LED15GRP3_LED1–GRP3_LED15Basic part for CP HW LED indication module3. Impedance protectionPower swing detection ZMRPSB M13873-3 v12Power swings may occur after disconnection of heavy loadsor trip of big generation plants.Power swing detection function (ZMRPSB ) is used to detectpower swings and initiate block of all distance protectionzones. Occurrence of earth-fault currents during a powerswing inhibits the ZMRPSB function, to allow fault clearance.Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM GUID-BF2F7D4C-F579-4EBD-9AFC-7C03296BD5D4 v8The out-of-step protection (OOSPPAM ) function in the IEDcan be used for both generator protection and as well for lineprotection applications.The main purpose of the OOSPPAM function is to detect,evaluate, and take the required action during pole slippingoccurrences in the power system.The OOSPPAM function detects pole slip conditions and tripsthe generator as fast as possible, after the first pole-slip if thecenter of oscillation is found to be in zone 1, which normallyincludes the generator and its step-up power transformer. Ifthe center of oscillation is found to be further out in the powersystem, in zone 2, more than one pole-slip is usually allowedbefore the generator-transformer unit is disconnected. Aparameter setting is available to take into account the circuitbreaker opening time. If there are several out-of-step relays inthe power system, then the one which finds the center ofoscillation in its zone 1 should operate first.Two current channels I3P1 and I3P2 are available inOOSPPAM function to allow the direct connection of twogroups of three-phase currents; that may be needed for verypowerful generators, with stator windings split into twogroups per phase, when each group is equipped with currenttransformers. The protection function performs a simplesummation of the currents of the two channels I3P1 andI3P2.4. Wide area measurement systemConfiguration parameters for IEEE1344 and C37.118 protocolPMUCONF GUID-33694C62-A109-4D8F-9063-CEFA5D0E78BC v4The IED supports the following IEEE synchrophasorstandards:• IEEE 1344-1995 (Both measurements and datacommunication)• IEEE Std C37.118-2005 (Both measurements and datacommunication)• IEEE Std C37.118.1–2011 and C37.118.1a-2014(Measurements)• IEEE Std C37.118.2-2011 (Data communication)PMUCONF contains the PMU configuration parameters forboth IEEE C37.118 and IEEE 1344 protocols. This means allthe required settings and parameters in order to establish anddefine a number of TCP and/or UDP connections with one ormore PDC clients (synchrophasor client). This includes portnumbers, TCP/UDP IP addresses, and specific settings forIEEE C37.118 as well as IEEE 1344 protocols.Protocol reporting via IEEE 1344 and C37.118 PMUREPORTGUID-8DF29209-252A-4E51-9F4A-B14B669E71AB v4The phasor measurement reporting block moves the phasorcalculations into an IEEE C37.118 and/or IEEE 13441MRK 511 410-BEN BPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2Product version: 2.2ABB 19