11. ControlCircuit breaker SXCBR M13489-3 v6The purpose of Circuit breaker (SXCBR) is to provide theactual status of positions and to perform the controloperations, that is, pass all the commands to primaryapparatuses in the form of circuit breakers via binary outputboards and to supervise the switching operation and position.Bay control QCBAY M13447-3 v8The Bay control (QCBAY) function is used together with Localremote and local remote control functions to handle theselection of the operator place per bay. QCBAY also providesblocking functions that can be distributed to differentapparatuses within the bay.Local remote LOCREM/Local remote control LOCREMCTRLM17086-3 v10The signals from the local HMI or from an external local/remote switch are connected via the function blocks localremote (LOCREM) and local remote control (LOCREMCTRL)to the Bay control (QCBAY) function block. The parameterControlMode in function block LOCREM is set to choose ifthe switch signals are coming from the local HMI or from anexternal hardware switch connected via binary inputs.Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMIpresentation SLGAPC SEMOD114908-4 v11The logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMIpresentation (SLGAPC) (or the selector switch function block)is used to get an enhanced selector switch functionalitycompared to the one provided by a hardware selector switch.Hardware selector switches are used extensively by utilities,in order to have different functions operating on pre-setvalues. Hardware switches are however sources formaintenance issues, lower system reliability and an extendedpurchase portfolio. The selector switch function eliminates allthese problems.Selector mini switch VSGAPC SEMOD158756-5 v10The Selector mini switch (VSGAPC) function block is amultipurpose function used for a variety of applications, as ageneral purpose switch.VSGAPC can be controlled from the menu, from a symbol onthe single line diagram (SLD) on the local HMI or from Binaryinputs.Generic communication function for Double Point indicationDPGAPC SEMOD55850-5 v7Generic communication function for Double Point indication(DPGAPC) function block is used to send double pointposition indications to other systems, equipment or functionsin the substation through IEC 61850-8-1 or othercommunication protocols. It is especially intended to be usedin the interlocking station-wide logics.Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC SEMOD176462-4 v11The Single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GAPC)function block is a collection of 8 single point commands thatcan be used for direct commands for example reset of LEDsor putting IED in "ChangeLock" state from remote. In thisway, simple commands can be sent directly to the IEDoutputs, without confirmation. Confirmation (status) of theresult of the commands is supposed to be achieved by othermeans, such as binary inputs and SPGAPC function blocks.The commands can be pulsed or steady with a settable pulsetime.Automation bits, command function for DNP3.0 AUTOBITSSEMOD158591-5 v8Automation bits function for DNP3 (AUTOBITS) is used withinPCM600 to get into the configuration of the commandscoming through the DNP3 protocol. The AUTOBITS functionplays the same role as functions GOOSEBINRCV (for IEC61850) and MULTICMDRCV (for LON).Single command, 16 signals M12446-6 v5The IEDs can receive commands either from a substationautomation system or from the local HMI. The commandfunction block has outputs that can be used, for example, tocontrol high voltage apparatuses or for other user definedfunctionality.12. LogicTripping logic SMPPTRC M12275-3 v14A function block for protection tripping and general startindication is always provided as a basic function for eachcircuit breaker. It provides a settable pulse prolongation timeto ensure a trip pulse of sufficient length, as well as allfunctionality necessary for correct co-operation withautoreclosing functions.The trip function block includes a settable latch function forthe trip signal and circuit breaker lockout.The trip function can collect start and directional signals fromdifferent application functions. The aggregated start anddirectional signals are mapped to the IEC 61850 logical nodedata model.General start matrix block SMAGAPC GUID-BA516165-96DE-4CD9-979B-29457C7653C0 v3The Start Matrix (SMAGAPC) merges start and directionaloutput signals from different application functions and createsa common start and directional output signal (STDIR) to beconnected to the Trip function.The purpose of this functionality is to provide general startand directional information for the IEC 61850 trip logic datamodel SMPPTRC.Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC M15321-3 v13The trip matrix logic (TMAGAPC) function is used to route tripsignals and other logical output signals to different outputcontacts on the IED.The trip matrix logic function has 3 output signals and theseoutputs can be connected to physical tripping outputs1MRK 511 410-BEN BPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2Product version: 2.2ABB 23