for operating quantity with maintained short circuit capacity.There is also available one nondirectional 3I0 step and one3U0 overvoltage tripping step.No specific sensitive current input is needed. Sensitivedirectional residual overcurrent and power protection(SDEPSDE) can be set as low 0.25% of IBase.Thermal overload protection, one time constant LCPTTR/LFPTTR M12020-4 v14The increasing utilization of the power system closer to thethermal limits has generated a need of a thermal overloadprotection for power lines.A thermal overload will often not be detected by otherprotection functions and the introduction of the thermaloverload protection can allow the protected circuit to operatecloser to the thermal limits.The three-phase current measuring protection has an I2tcharacteristic with settable time constant and a thermalmemory. The temperature is displayed in either Celsius orFahrenheit, depending on whether the function used isThermal overload protection (LCPTTR) (Celsius) or (LFPTTR)(Fahrenheit).An alarm level gives early warning to allow operators to takeaction well before the line is tripped.Estimated time to trip before operation, and estimated time toreclose after operation are presented.Directional over/underpower protection GOPPDOP/GUPPDUP SEMOD175421-4 v7The directional over-/under-power protection (GOPPDOP/GUPPDUP) can be used wherever a high/low active, reactiveor apparent power protection or alarming is required. Thefunctions can alternatively be used to check the direction ofactive or reactive power flow in the power system. There area number of applications where such functionality is needed.Some of them are:• detection of reversed active power flow• detection of high reactive power flowEach function has two steps with definite time delay.6. Voltage protectionTwo-step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV M13789-3 v12Undervoltages can occur in the power system during faults orabnormal conditions. The two-step undervoltage protectionfunction (UV2PTUV) can be used to open circuit breakers toprepare for system restoration at power outages or as a long-time delayed back-up to the primary protection.UV2PTUV has two voltage steps, each with inverse or definitetime delay.It has a high reset ratio to allow settings close to the systemservice voltage.Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV M13798-3 v16Overvoltages may occur in the power system during abnormalconditions such as sudden power loss, tap changerregulating failures, and open line ends on long lines.Two step overvoltage protection (OV2PTOV) function can beused to detect open line ends, normally then combined with adirectional reactive over-power function to supervise thesystem voltage. When triggered, the function will cause analarm, switch in reactors, or switch out capacitor banks.OV2PTOV has two voltage steps, each of them with inverseor definite time delayed.OV2PTOV has a high reset ratio to allow settings close tosystem service voltage.7. Frequency protectionUnderfrequency protection SAPTUF M13349-3 v13Underfrequency occurs as a result of a lack of generation inthe network.Underfrequency protection (SAPTUF) measures frequencywith high accuracy, and is used for load shedding systems,remedial action schemes, gas turbine startup and so on.Separate definite time delays are provided for operate andrestore.SAPTUF is provided with undervoltage blocking.The operation is based on positive sequence voltagemeasurement and requires two phase-phase or three phase-neutral voltages to be connected.Overfrequency protection SAPTOF M14953-3 v12Overfrequency protection function (SAPTOF) is applicable inall situations, where reliable detection of high fundamentalpower system frequency is needed.Overfrequency occurs because of sudden load drops orshunt faults in the power network. Close to the generatingplant, generator governor problems can also cause overfrequency.SAPTOF measures frequency with high accuracy, and is usedmainly for generation shedding and remedial action schemes.It is also used as a frequency stage initiating load restoring. Adefinite time delay is provided for operate.SAPTOF is provided with an undervoltage blocking.The operation is based on positive sequence voltagemeasurement and requires two phase-phase or three phase-neutral voltages to be connected.1MRK 511 410-BEN BPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2Product version: 2.2ABB 21