29The CBF P can also be selected to be triggered ex ternally by applying a digitalinput signal to the relay, if the max imum of all three phase- to- phase voltagesis above 0.15 × Un. If the fault situation is not cleared when the set operatetime has elapsed, the CBF P generates a trip signal via output PO2.Internal triggering is selected by activating the CBF P in S GF 1/ 6 and ex ternaltriggering by activating the CBF P in S GB1...5 / 7 .Normally, the CBF P controls the upstream circuit breaker. H owever, it canalso be used for tripping via redundant trip circuits of the same circuitbreaker.5.1. 4 . 6. I n v er s e d ef i n i te m i n i m u m ti m e c h ar ac ter i s tc sEach of the overvoltage and undervoltage stages can be given either adefinite- time or an inverse definite minimum time ( ID M T) characteristic. Thefollowing setting parameters determine the operation mode of the overvoltageand undervoltage protection stages:Table 5 .1.4.6.-1 Operation mode s etting parametersProtec ti onstagePar am eter S etti n gU> S3 0 = definite time1 = curve A2 = curve BU> > / U2> S11 0 = definite time1 = curve A2 = curve BU< S15 0 = definite time1 = curve CU< < / U1< S22 0 = definite time1 = curve CAt ID M T characteristic, the operate time of the stage is dependent on thevoltage value: the greater the deviation from the setting value, the shorter theoperate time. Three time/ voltage curve groups are available: A, B and C.An overvoltage stage starts when the measured voltage ex ceeds the settingvalue of the stage. An undervoltage stage starts when the measured voltagedrops below the setting value of the stage. H owever, the ID M T calculationdoes not start until the deviation between the measured voltage and the settingvalue ex ceeds 3 percent. The operate time accuracy stated in technical dataapplies when the deviation is 10 percent or higher.1MRS755769 Voltage RelayTechnical Reference ManualREU 610