Non-volatile memoryThe relay can be configured to store various data in a non-volatile memory,which retains its data also in case of loss of auxiliary voltage (provided thatthe battery has been inserted and is charged). Operation target messages andLEDs, disturbance recorder data, event codes and recorded data can all beconfigured to be stored in the non-volatile memory whereas setting valuesand trip counters are always stored in the EEPROM. The EEPROM does notrequire battery backup. Self-supervisionThe self-supervision system of the relay manages run-time fault situationsand informs the user about an existing fault. There are two types of faulttargets; internal relay fault (IRF) targets and warnings. Internal relay faultsprevent relay operation. Warnings are less severe faults and continued relayoperation with full or reduced functionality is allowed.Internal relay fault (IRF)When the self-supervision system detects a permanent internal relay fault, thegreen target LED starts to flash. At the same time, the IRF contact (alsoreferred to as the IRF relay), which is normally picked up, drops off. The textINTERNAL FAULT and a fault code appear on the display. A040278Fig. Permanent IRFWarningIn case of a less severe fault (warning), the relay continues to operate exceptfor those protection functions possibly affected by the fault. At this type offault, the green target LED remains lit as during normal operation, but the textWARNING with a fault code or a text message indicating the fault typeappears on the LCD. In case of a warning due to an external fault in the tripcircuit detected by the trip-circuit supervision, SO2 is activated (if SGF1/8=1).1MRS755972 Voltage RelayTechnical Reference Manual - ANSI VersionREU 610