The Modbus data type digital input (DI) is commonly alsoreferred to as 1X, coils as 0X, input register (IR) as 3X andholding register (HR) as 4X, of which the former is used here.Thus, HR 123, for instance, can also be referred to as register400123. Profile of Modbus REU 610The Modbus protocol (ASCII or RTU) is selected via the HMI and can beused only through the rear connection of the relay on the optionalcommunication module. Modbus line settings, that is, parity, CRC byte orderand baud rate, can be adjusted either via the HMI or the SPA bus.The implementation of the Modbus protocol in REU 610 supports thefollowing functions:Table Supported application functionsFunctioncodeFunction description01 Read coil statusReads the status of discrete outputs.02 Read digital input statusReads the status of discrete inputs.03 Read holding registersReads the contents of output registers.04 Read input registersReads the contents of input registers.05 Force single coilSets the status of a discrete output.06 Preset single registerSets the value of a holding register.08 DiagnosticsChecks the communication system between the master and the slave.15 Force multiple coilsSets the status of multiple discrete outputs.16 Preset multiple registersSets the value of multiple holding registers.23 Read/write holding registersExchanges holding registers in one query.62REU 610 Voltage RelayTechnical Reference Manual - ANSI Version1MRS755972