ABB Welcome®— 10 — VIP settingsPress to set the VIPs. A total of 64 entries can be added.Fig. 8 VIP settingsThe following functions are available:No. Functions1 Select “user name,” then click on the “add” button to add new VIPs by username (from contact lists).2 Select “physical address,” then click on the “add” button to add new VIPsby their physical address.3 “VIP”- Click on the “VIP” button to check the VIP list.4 “Add”- Click on the “add” button to add new VIPs.5 “Back”- Click on the “back” button to return to the “intercept” page.6 “Scroll”- Switch to other settings by ticking the scroll box.Press to set VIPs.Fig. 9 VIP listThe “VIP list” menu offers the following functions:Set VIPBackUser NameAddVIP6145Physical Address3VIP SETTING2VIPBackVIP ListAlexander.GDeleteView134Bodin.K21/5Christian.GElizabeth.GTom