ABB Welcome®— 24 — Other settingsFig. 24 Other settingsThe “other settings” menu has the following functions:No. Functions1 Auto full screen- Enable or disable the auto full screen function by ticking the checkboxor pressing the plus or minus buttons.2 Auto snapshots- Enable or disable the auto snapshots function by ticking the checkbox(automatic switchover) or pressing the plus and minus buttons.3 Calibrate- If the buttons and the associated graphics on the display are no longersuperimposed, the monitor must be calibrated.- Click on the “calibrate” button and then confirm that the dialog box isdisplayed. Tick the five displayed position dots consecutively. Confirmvia the dialog box displayed.- The calibration of the display is complete.4 OK- Click on this button to save the settings.5 Back- Click on this button to return to the start page.BackOTHER SETTINGS×Auto Full ScreeenAuto-SnapshotsOK-+245√1Calibrate 3