ABB Welcome®— 9 —4.2.3 Intercept modeFig. 7 Intercept modeIn intercept mode, the following functions are available:No. Function1 Activate or deactivate the intercept function by ticking the checkbox2 Activate the intercept function to intercept calls for all users or for VIPs only- “All” means that the guard unit will intercept calls for all users.- “VIP” means that the guard unit will intercept calls for VIPs only.3 Set VIPs (if applicable)- Click on this button to set the VIPs.4 Choose the type of intercept by ticking the checkbox- Choose from “permanent” mode or “repeat” mode.5 Plus and minus buttons6 Back- Click on this button to return to the start page without saving the settings.7 OK- Click on this button to save the settings.8 In “repeat” mode, the timer(s) must be activated by ticking thecheckbox- When the timer is activated, set the start time and end time via theplus and minus buttons.- Before adjusting the hour or minute, the active range is highlightedin blue.- End time > start time.The function can only be set through the master guard unit.BackINTERCEPT×Intercept For ALLType PermanentStart Time 1× 08 30 × 18 30Start Time 2End Time 108 30 18 30End Time 2OK-+Set VIP152 38476